Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lawyers arrive in Dallas for bar meeting - Dallas Business Journal:
Special guest speakers at the meeting include ExxonMobil general counselCharles W. Matthews, U.S. Supreme Courgt Justice Antonin Scalia, forme r FBI director William S. Sessions, Southern Povert Law Center founderMorris Dees, columnist Davixd Brooks and Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Dorisx Kearns Goodwin. ESPN legal analyst Roger Cossac k will moderate a panel discussion on the futures of thelegal profession. Panelists will include John Attanasioof , Brad Tobem of Baylor Law School, Larry Sager of the of Law and Ken Star of Pepperdine Law School.
New leadership also will be swornh in during the State Bar including Roland Johnson of Fort Worth as States Bar president and Jennifer Evand Morris of Dallas as Other new officials include Terry Tottenham of Austi n to become StateBar president-elect and Cori Harbourd of El Paso will become president of the Texazs Young Lawyers Association. Dallas will host the Statre Bar meeting on June 25 and 26 at the Hilto Anatole hotelin Dallas.

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